Shark Week Is Coming: Bring Your Big Stick

Poor old Shark, boo hoo, couldn't afford to pony up a few weights to come to the big boy show; too bad. All is fair in love and war and business. We get it; it's called business as usual and we have been doing it for 14 years. Nothing new about “big” companies screwing over little companies, it's been happening since the beginning of time. Sometimes however, the little company just won't stay down; they grow up, and they grow some teeth. Everybody knows we used to be in just about every salmon shop in the business: so what really happened? Did everybody decide one fine day they didn't like Shark weights anymore? That's not it, the people just did an end run around the bully blockade and bought directly from the little company that could. Turn's out, the people really couldn't give a rat's ass about the bullshit, and the personalities of the fighting companies; they just want their Sharks. Fortunately, that is changing; more and more tackle shops have Shark balls these days.

When they kept knocking us down, we just got right back up, brushed the dirt from our face; we were “too dumb” to know when to quit. Over time, the fight got down and dirty, kinda personal.....but that's the thing about karma. It always comes back to bite your ass, especially when you deserve it. Especially when you spent the last 10 years screwing over the little company at every turn. It's funny how that works. Money will do that to men, things start to happen in their little minds when they get full of themselves; just hormones. Usually if they are stupid enough to do this shit in the first place, they are stupid enough to think they will get away with it. It takes a special kind of stupid to do what they did to us; out in the open. We all saw the movie; the shark never forgets. That was a different Shark, this is a different movie. Bring your big stick boys: Shark Week is coming.


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