Jeff Hynes Shark Pro Staff has declared: " I will not fish with round cannonballs." Same thing 40,000 other guys are saying. Jeff is leading the charge getting the message out to guides on the west coast. "Yeah I’m fish out of water right now, no shark cannonballs... no fishing.... I will not go out with round cannonballs! We fish on ledges all around here trying to find fish and right on bottom. Like fishing 200 feet deep in 210 feet of water.... bottom bouncing pretty much. Ledges drop or rise 20-40 feet difference, hence why I’m snagging up... I fishing 90 percent by my self so as soon as I walk away from the wheel... boat goes one way and then I’m bottom bouncing with cannonballs!!"
I take back all that stuff I said about Chrysler in my earlier blog; all that stuff about putting that gas line filter behind the gas tank so I couldn't get at it to change it. This car saved my life. I was driving back from my chainsaw shop, Penner's Farm Equipment in Tara, Ontario with my brand new Husqueverna 640 chainsaw (sweet) The old Husky my neighbour gave to me finally died; it was thirty years old. A silver truck suddenly appeared right in front of me; he ran through the stop sign without stopping. I didn't have time to say what was on my mind, h#*y ! #*!#k! but for sure I was thinking it at precisely that moment. I was traveling along at 50 miles per hour (80 k/ph). I didn't have the benefit of loosing consciousnesses during the impact, it would have been nice. I was totally aware during the whole thing, all I can say it was gruesome. I survived, the two nice people in the other car survived. I am battered and bruised and glad to be alive; Thank ...
I got an email from a friend fishing the 2009 Masters Trolling Tournament in Denmark. In the email he states he was watching fish come right up to the Sapphire Shark a number of times and then swim off. This burns me up to no end when I hear this; I have been telling guys for five years when they see this happening, it is time to switch to the Black Sharks. If you are using Black Sharks and the fish are swimming off, switch to the Chromes or the Sapphires. The sound generated from the all the Sharks is exactly the same; the bigger Sharks amplify the sound over a greater distance as they displace more water. Curious fish hear the sound and come to the ball from great distances, what they do when they get there depends entirely what kind of mood they are in. If the fish are feeling aggressive while you are using Chrome Sharks they will become even more stimulated and will hit anything running behind it. If they are feeling a little spooky, the Chrome might be a little too much for them t...
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