Bring It On!
Bring It On!
No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more turning the other cheek, no more taking the moral high ground; the gloves are off and the last man standing wins; regardless who has the best product!
For the past eight years my kids kept throwing all this stuff back in my face that I taught them about being decent people, how they should conduct themselves in the world, especially in the business world: don't stoop to the same level as the competition when they attack with the negative ads etc. The same crap my old man drilled into my head when I was a kid. Well, we tried that and it didn't get us very far; this is a different world than the one I grew up in. Wake up kids, I was wrong, none of that is true, none of it matters.
Nowadays, the public likes a good fight, turning the other cheek is a sign of weakness. A lot of folks say John Kerry lost against Bush because he didn't fight back when the negative ads started. Maybe there's something to it. Last year the GLA message board took a vote on the "best thread of the year". I was a little surprised at the number of guys who voted for the Sharkman vs. Terminator thread. It started out as fun, but it got down and dirty pretty fast; I complained to the moderator; he said it was good advertising. I didn't see it that way; I never posted again. Interestingly, when we scored the big knock out victory in one of the most important markets on the Great Lakes, New York State with the Pro Am Captain's Survey; Its was one of the single biggest endorsements for a downrigger product in the history of the sport, not a peep from the any of the nay sayers on the GLA message board. My point precisely.
I go back once in awhile to take a look. It's encouraging to see some of the guys actually discussing "sound" and one of the guys mentioned something to the effect maybe it's not such a great idea to run somebody out of town because they have some different ideas. Is it just me, or are the message boards getting a little ho hum with all the info censorship?
At the end of the day, I was run out of Dodge by some of the more vocal members and my kids put a muzzle on me for simply trying to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas. That's not the way it works in big business, it's human nature to protect your turf, and that's all there is to it.
So, who ends up loosing while all this BS is flying around? The consumer, the readership, the guys that tune into these message boards for good information on how to spend their hard earned cash so they can go fishing on the precious few days they can get out in the summer; it's something they wait for all year. They basically get ripped off for their time, opportunity and money by the group who has the power to control the flow of information; the big money.
There is no freaking chance the ordinary everyday fisherman will ever get the straight goods on what the best product is. The ability of powerful lobby groups goes way beyond the message boards and magazines. The big money is well connected all the way down the line; dealers, pro staff, the word out on the lake. So how does this play out in practical terms?
The Shark rules in a numbers of major markets around the world, based strictly on its performance record. But we can't get our foot in the door in a few key markets because the gate keepers of the information do such a good job of keeping the truth from the local fishermen. Take the east side of Lake Michigan for example, we can't get any dealers to handle Sharks there even if we gave them away for free. It's not because Sharks don't work there just as well as they do in New York.
The owner of Captn Chucks in Ludington Dick Coleman and his son Craig proved it by winning the big derby using Sharks.
The boogeyman must have got to the other dealers and charter captains on the coast, because you can't mention the word Shark without getting a dirty look. Try to Google the words Shark Cannonballs; this is what comes up.
anyone try the shark cannonballs yet - Great Lakes Fisherman - 6 visits - 20 Apr
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 5 FebWe tried the Shark Cannonballs about four-five years ago when they ... The Shark Cannonballs definitely messed up our normal spread and - 83k -
Do you have any idea how hard some busy beaver has to work to make this ancient thread from April 2006 keep coming up ahead of our website year after year? This is the thread that claims the Shark "definetely messed up their spread". We have ten thousand of the top fishermen in the world that will tell you the Shark will definetely not mess up your spread! This is an example of how big business will try to control the flow of information and spook consumers. BS!!!!! and this is how the little people in the industry, the techno-peasants fight back; we still get lots of sales from MI going directly to our internet Shark SuperStore; those sales should be going to local dealers to help the local economy.
The people of Michigan deserve to know the truth about their fishing equipment without being bullied around by some big company who tells them what they can and cannot buy. After getting both sides of the story, they can believe whatever they want, but at least let's get both sides of the story out there.
I said it nine years ago, I have been saying it ever since. The Shark Cannonball is the best downrigger weight/attractor on the market any way you look at it. It tracks better, it has less blow back, and it attracts fish to your spread better than any other product on the market. And so say the majority of Pro Am captains for the past eight years And so say the thousand of charter captains and tournament fishermen around the world who started using Sharks nine years ago and are still using them today.
Now there is a group of people out there calling me a lying cheating so and so who makes a product that "definitely will mess up your spread". It's your choice folks; you can beleive them or you can beleive me.
No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more turning the other cheek, no more taking the moral high ground; the gloves are off and the last man standing wins; regardless who has the best product!
For the past eight years my kids kept throwing all this stuff back in my face that I taught them about being decent people, how they should conduct themselves in the world, especially in the business world: don't stoop to the same level as the competition when they attack with the negative ads etc. The same crap my old man drilled into my head when I was a kid. Well, we tried that and it didn't get us very far; this is a different world than the one I grew up in. Wake up kids, I was wrong, none of that is true, none of it matters.
Nowadays, the public likes a good fight, turning the other cheek is a sign of weakness. A lot of folks say John Kerry lost against Bush because he didn't fight back when the negative ads started. Maybe there's something to it. Last year the GLA message board took a vote on the "best thread of the year". I was a little surprised at the number of guys who voted for the Sharkman vs. Terminator thread. It started out as fun, but it got down and dirty pretty fast; I complained to the moderator; he said it was good advertising. I didn't see it that way; I never posted again. Interestingly, when we scored the big knock out victory in one of the most important markets on the Great Lakes, New York State with the Pro Am Captain's Survey; Its was one of the single biggest endorsements for a downrigger product in the history of the sport, not a peep from the any of the nay sayers on the GLA message board. My point precisely.
I go back once in awhile to take a look. It's encouraging to see some of the guys actually discussing "sound" and one of the guys mentioned something to the effect maybe it's not such a great idea to run somebody out of town because they have some different ideas. Is it just me, or are the message boards getting a little ho hum with all the info censorship?
At the end of the day, I was run out of Dodge by some of the more vocal members and my kids put a muzzle on me for simply trying to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas. That's not the way it works in big business, it's human nature to protect your turf, and that's all there is to it.
So, who ends up loosing while all this BS is flying around? The consumer, the readership, the guys that tune into these message boards for good information on how to spend their hard earned cash so they can go fishing on the precious few days they can get out in the summer; it's something they wait for all year. They basically get ripped off for their time, opportunity and money by the group who has the power to control the flow of information; the big money.
There is no freaking chance the ordinary everyday fisherman will ever get the straight goods on what the best product is. The ability of powerful lobby groups goes way beyond the message boards and magazines. The big money is well connected all the way down the line; dealers, pro staff, the word out on the lake. So how does this play out in practical terms?
The Shark rules in a numbers of major markets around the world, based strictly on its performance record. But we can't get our foot in the door in a few key markets because the gate keepers of the information do such a good job of keeping the truth from the local fishermen. Take the east side of Lake Michigan for example, we can't get any dealers to handle Sharks there even if we gave them away for free. It's not because Sharks don't work there just as well as they do in New York.
The owner of Captn Chucks in Ludington Dick Coleman and his son Craig proved it by winning the big derby using Sharks.
The boogeyman must have got to the other dealers and charter captains on the coast, because you can't mention the word Shark without getting a dirty look. Try to Google the words Shark Cannonballs; this is what comes up.
anyone try the shark cannonballs yet - Great Lakes Fisherman - 6 visits - 20 Apr
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 5 FebWe tried the Shark Cannonballs about four-five years ago when they ... The Shark Cannonballs definitely messed up our normal spread and - 83k -
Do you have any idea how hard some busy beaver has to work to make this ancient thread from April 2006 keep coming up ahead of our website year after year? This is the thread that claims the Shark "definetely messed up their spread". We have ten thousand of the top fishermen in the world that will tell you the Shark will definetely not mess up your spread! This is an example of how big business will try to control the flow of information and spook consumers. BS!!!!! and this is how the little people in the industry, the techno-peasants fight back; we still get lots of sales from MI going directly to our internet Shark SuperStore; those sales should be going to local dealers to help the local economy.
The people of Michigan deserve to know the truth about their fishing equipment without being bullied around by some big company who tells them what they can and cannot buy. After getting both sides of the story, they can believe whatever they want, but at least let's get both sides of the story out there.
I said it nine years ago, I have been saying it ever since. The Shark Cannonball is the best downrigger weight/attractor on the market any way you look at it. It tracks better, it has less blow back, and it attracts fish to your spread better than any other product on the market. And so say the majority of Pro Am captains for the past eight years And so say the thousand of charter captains and tournament fishermen around the world who started using Sharks nine years ago and are still using them today.
Now there is a group of people out there calling me a lying cheating so and so who makes a product that "definitely will mess up your spread". It's your choice folks; you can beleive them or you can beleive me.
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