
Showing posts from December, 2010
Look Closely: Inside Or Outside The fish don't care what side of the spoon the graphics are on. Putting the graphics on the "wrong side of the spoon" will extend the life of the spoon by at least 50% and save you lots of money. At the same time, it is true we don't like putting paint or stickers on the outside facets, anything that will interfere with generating the same sonic signature found on our Shark Cannonballs. Let us know if you like the idea.

Join the Shark Spoon conversation on Facebook Please join the conversation on my Facebook page and contribute to the development of the Shark Spoon. We are looking for your favorite colors and some really crazy names for the spoons.

Bare Bones Captain's Pro Pack

Bare Bones Captain's Pack Most of the captains we know have their own personal preferences for spoon options. They all have their own favorite brand and style of hooks, both si-wash and trebles. Many captains sharpen their hooks after every fish, some captains simple throw away the hook and not take a chance on loosing a big fish on an expensive charter. The pro pack allows the captains to do what they want with their spoons and not have to waste money buying hooks and rings and expensive packaging. The savings on ten spoons is substantial.
The single biggest complaint fishermen had this past summer is the cheap plastic stickers that keep falling off name brand spoons after only three or four fish. We want to make sure we don't make that mistake. We have been experimented with some really tough coatings that should last for a lot more than four or five fish. We baked on some polyester plastic powder coating on the famous Black & Purple with a White Face, my all time personal favorite spoon.

Shark Trolling Spoons Introductory Offer

Fishing with Shark Cannonballs and Sharks Trolling Spoons together at the same time is a truly amazing fishing experience. If you love your Sharks, you will love running Shark Trolling Spoons behind them. The Shark Spoon is the perfect compliment to fishing with Shark Cannonballs, it is the logical conclusion to completing the perfect equation. The Shark Spoon has exactly the same facets as the Shark Cannonball, it makes exactly the same sound. It is the same sound that has made the Shark Cannonball the top choice with fishermen all over the world for the past ten years. When your prize fish shows up to check your Sharks ripping up the water, don't disappoint them, give them a little piece of what they came looking for, give them a genuine Shark Trolling Spoon. Shark Spoons will soon be available in tackle shops around the world, in the meantime we have put together an introductory offer for charter captains and tournament fishermen to try these exciting new spoons before they off...