one of life's greatest ironies

Whole grains, wheat, barley, rye and oats contain gluten. 

Gluten is a protein. The protein is like a long chain of amino acids, its like a string of pearls, it is the stomachs job is to break down the string of pearls, to liberate the amino acids, which are essential nutrients. But the chemical bonds which hold the amino acids of gluten together, are really really difficult for most people's stomach acids to break. So if you eat a whole wheat sandwich, you chew it up, you swallow it, it goes down into your stomach, the acid in your stomach tries to break the string of pearls of the protein in the gluten, but it can't do it. So now, instead of individual amino acids tumbling through the small intestines, which is the next stage of digestion, you get these big complicated architectural strings of protein; undigested protein.

Now your small intestines job is to absorb the nutrients that your stomach has just turned into liquid into the bloodstream, and your small intestine does that through tiny tissue called villi; they are like octopus arms. The job of the villa is to grab on to a nutrient and bring it into the bloodstream. Right. Well when the villa attempts to grab onto an individual amino acid, no problemo. But when the vila attempts to grab onto a long complicated chain of unbroken amino acids, they become destroyed or they become inflamed. Now it's the vilies job to absorb nutrients, which leads to one of life's greatest ironies; the more whole grains you eat, the harder it is for your body to absorb the nutrients your stomach just digested. So not only are the foods minerally deficient because the soils are minerally deficient but your bodies ability to adsorb what little nutrient there is in the food is extremely compromised because you listened to General Mills, Proctor and Gamble, Monsanto and the people that make the food. It is a bad idea to let the people who make the food give you advice about the food you eat. Four of the most dangerous foods on planet earth; wheat, barely, rye and oats.


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